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You don’t need to be an experienced manager to use our online tool. Take control of your tournaments and manage them in a safe and transparent way. No more Excel sheets, pen & paper.
Manage singles - and team leagues using Cuescore. Detailed match information with both team - and individual score. Get rid of match cards and let the team captain be scorekeeper on his/her mobile phone.
A portal to all your activity on Cuescore. Easy to publish brackets/schedules, tournament history, tournament calendar, rankings, news & articles. Your players, audience and media will appreciate it!
Professionalize your events with this game changing feature! Digital scoreboards let players keep track of their score. Brackets and stream overlay is automatically updated in realtime.
Get pro look and feel of your livestreams! Connect your tournaments/leagues to an online broadcast. Present statistics, scores and match info using our stream overlay in your preferred streaming software.
Save time and secure your entry fees by using Pay&Play. This is an online payment solution with great advantages for those who has the opportunity to use online payment. Connect your Cuescore account to Pay&Play and get instant overview of payments and registrations, simple as that.